- Health care, hospital linens and surgical linens
- Nursing home linens
- Hotel and motel linens
- Food and beverage linen
- Mechanical and construction, automotive industry, processing uniforms, coveralls, shop rags, etc.
- Summer camps and lodge linens
- Special/Seasonal event linen
- Proper handling of all soiled linen, uniforms, table linens, napkins, etc.
- Proper washing and drying techniques
- Using all environmentally-friendly chemicals
- Folded linen through automation
- Cart make-up for exchange carts or bulk services for linen delivery
- Process client owned OR lien inventory made available for selection
- Complete trucking service with power tailgate, pickup/delivery services available
- Services offered include processing customer-owned linen OR linen products supplied through Hart Laundry Services
- Reduced utilities costs related to operating your own laundry services
- Gain valuable floor space from reduced laundry service area
- Reduce your capital cost on laundry equipment/linen inventory
- Reduce unnecessary repair bills, laundry equipment/septic systems, etc.
- Allow for better utilization of staffing levels
- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week dependable emergency coverage!
30 - 361 Queen Street, Smiths Falls ON